Thursday, June 18, 2009

Book Buying "Spree"

I've been trying not to buy books that I want to read. I've been trying to hit the library more. This works about 30% of the time. The other 70%, I succumb to the lure of Amazon and my Prime membership--free 2 day shipping, woohoo!

Today, I ordered two books, but one doesn't really count, because it's a cookbook, and you can never have too many of those! On the advice of Joselle, who writes an awesome blog, I snapped up Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Vegan Brunch. I am not vegan. I love cheese. But I do love to experiment making tasty vegan dishes. I am excited to try the vegan omelet!

I also ordered My Life in France. I love cooking. I love reading books about cooking. I love reading books about American expatriots in France (see also The Sharper Your Knife The Less You Cry and Le Divorce). I also loved Julie and Julia, so I figure this is a good follow up.


  1. Plus, it's "brunch." I don't know if there's a better food-related word.

  2. Linner maybe? Combining two meals into one is always awesome.
