Well, I didn't do it personally. Patrick at Gary Charles did it. And he did a great job, I think. I haven't had my hair this short in about 7 years. I'm still doing the double take whenever I pass a reflective surface and catch a glimpse of my profile. I'm also remembering my cow-licks. Hey cow-licks! Nice to see you again. Thanks for sticking up straight in the air like bug antennae!
***This is transition people...perhaps I should write more than one blog post per week!
Last week was CPM's 33rd birthday. I got him lots of little stuff, nothing big. For instance, he asked for a vintage Gibson Trini Lopez guitar. Instead he got a freezer paper stencil t-shirt of our dog's silhouette.

Yeah, I'm just a good gift giver, if by "good" you mean someone who will just give you what I think you should get and not what you ask for. But I took him to Blue Sage for dinner. And we ate like kings! Kings! See below:
Thai Carrot Bisque

Salad Casbah

Macadamia Black Bean Cakes

Hazlenut Toffee Basket (aka my favorite dessert, ever)

There were also nachos, but the photo was awful. I told you we ate like kings.
***More transition...seriously, more than one post would probably be a good idea.
I had off from work last Friday. I was able to food shop! I made dinner. Holy moley, it was good. Thank you, Veganomicon.
Baked Orange Tofu with Quinoa Mango Black Bean Salad

I did some major substituting in the quinoa salad. I used red onions instead of scallions, olive oil instead of grape seed oil, apple cider vinegar instead of red wine vinegar. It was still incredible. I want to try to eat like this more regularly. But then I mess up my vow to be healthy and make something like this...
Nutella Ice Cream

Delicious! Delicious! Delicious! And not healthy at all! But delicious!
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