At approximately 11am, the house phone rang. CPM was calling to tell me that he was on his way home from work. (My husband works 7 days a week because he is insane.) He planned a quick shower, and then we were heading to the NE Motorcycle Show at a convention center in the King of Prussia area. We would be on a tight schedule. Richard Christy and Sal Governale were appearing at the show, but only from 11am until 2pm.
We left the house at 12:30. KOP is typically a 45 minute drive from our home. We would be cutting it very close. Before we even made it to the highway, a handy traffic sign notified us that an accident had blocked a left lane on the two lane highway of death otherwise known as the Schuylkill Expressway. No worries. CPM's encyclopedic knowledge of suburban shortcuts took us on the scenic route, and had us at what he thought was the correct location by 1:20. Upon reading the posted events (gun show! craft show!), we realized, oops, we were at the wrong convention center. According to our handy smart phone devices (him: iPhone, me: Blackjack), the correct convention center was located a few exits further down another highway.
We reached the correct convention center by 1:25. We waited in line for 4 minutes. We paid admission. We forgot to ask where to find our targets, so we began a circumambulation of the exhibit hall. (oooh, leather chaps!) Time is passing. After one complete circuit, we hadn't found their booth. CPM was getting visibly agitated. I had to pee. CPM turns to me and says "I'm going to ask the porn star. She'll know where to find them." Oh, right. I held my pee long enough to witness the exchange.
Porn star Gina Lynn has been on the Howard Stern show. She's at the expo promoting something. I think I've seen her Sybian ride. I notice that in person, she looks quite tiny. She is standing at a folding table petting a little dog that is wearing clothes. CPM moseys up to her booth and begins a conversation with her. Unfortunately, she had no idea where to find Sal and Richard. Porn star interview escort duties now completed, I ran off to the ladies room and sent my spouse to continue his search.
At approximately 1:40 pm, CPM's efforts were rewarded. He found the booth. We got to chat for a few moments with Richard and Sal. They were quite nice. We got to take some pictures for posterity (see below). It wasn't until later that I wondered if Richard had showered or brushed his teeth before this event. It was the weekend, after all.

I have no clue who they are. Sprout doesn't really showcase these kind of things.